When dental crowns are suggested to cover a damaged or weakened tooth for protection and to restore the shape of your tooth because fillings are insufficient to resolve the problem, you confront many challenges. Besides the cost of restoration, you must also endure the dental crown procedure requiring two visits to the dentist near you besides having temporary crowns over your prepared teeth. The dentist you approach offers you crowns made from different materials suitable for your damaged tooth. Which dental crown would you prefer to have in your mouth?
You may need dental crowns because your teeth sustain damage over time because of various reasons. For example, tooth decay, injuries, or using your teeth over time can make them lose their shape and size. Tooth-shaped caps, called dental crowns, are placed over your tooth like a snug hat to restore the tooth’s strength, appearance, shape, and size. Dental crowns encase your entire tooth and cover the visible portion of the tooth after they are cemented into place.
Different materials help make dental crowns. The materials include:
When looking for dental crowns near you, the dentist you approach offers all solutions described above. However, before selecting any variety, consider the location of the tooth, the extent of the damage, your insurance coverage, and any other factors that might affect the performance of the restoration and your aesthetic appearance.
Dental crowns in West Palm Beach, FL, help you select the suitable crown for your damaged tooth after considering all factors, including your aesthetic preferences. They will only recommend a metal crown for your front teeth if you are determined to have one to appear different from everyone. The professionals ensure you choose a long restoration that doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg while restoring your damaged tooth. Therefore the optimal choice for you is to adhere to the dentist’s advice because they are the experts and know everything about dental crowns than you.
Selecting dental crowns is similar to the process of choosing dental fillings when you receive offers of different materials all fit to restore your tooth but are not suitable for all teeth. Therefore you must exercise caution when investing in a restorative solution that will serve the purpose while remaining aesthetically pleasing in your mouth. The different dental crowns described above are all suitable for restoring any tooth. However, some are better hidden at the back of your mouth, while others can remain in the aesthetic zone.
If you want to make an excellent choice, please do not try to decide by yourself but seek help from John S Ledakis, DDS, PA, o get the best-suited dental crown for your tooth.